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Job Listings
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Job TitlePosting DateTypeLocation
Child Nutrition Assistant (Start Date: 02/03/2025) Northeast (30 hrs.)02/03/2025ClassifiedChild Nutrition DepartmentApply
Elementary Education Teacher (K-6)01/31/2025LicensedSouthwood Elementary SchoolApply
Child Nutrition Assistant - South Lenoir High - 25 hours (Start Date: 01/31/2025)01/30/2025ClassifiedChild Nutrition DepartmentApply
Mechanic II Service Mechanic- Transportation Department (Start Date: 2/10/2025)01/29/2025ClassifiedTransportation DepartmentApply
Child Nutrition Manager - Southeast (Start Date: 1/30/2025)01/29/2025ClassifiedChild Nutrition DepartmentApply
School Data Manager - 11 month (Start Date: 02/17/2025)01/27/2025ClassifiedLaGrange Elementary SchoolApply
Music Teacher ( K-12)01/15/2025LicensedWoodington Middle SchoolApply
Social Studies Teacher (6-9)01/10/2025LicensedRochelle Middle SchoolApply
Special Education: General Curriculum Exceptional Children's Teacher (K-12)01/08/2025LicensedBanks Elementary SchoolApply
Kennedy Home Transition/Parent Involvement Specialist (Start Date: 01/30/2025) 20 hrs. a week/10 month employee01/06/2025ClassifiedFederal ProgramsApply
Mathematics Teacher (6-9)01/06/2025LicensedE.B. Frink Middle SchoolApply
Exceptional Children's Pre-K Teacher (0-K)01/06/2025LicensedNC Pre-K at Southeast Elementary SchoolApply
JROTC Instructor (9-12)01/02/2025LicensedKinston High SchoolApply
Mechanic II Service Mechanic- Transportation Department (Start Date: 01/02/2025)12/19/2024ClassifiedTransportation DepartmentApply
Teacher Assistant/Bus Driver (Start Date: TBD)12/10/2024ClassifiedNorthwest Elementary SchoolApply
Teacher Assistant/Bus Driver (Start Date: 01/06/2025)12/06/2024ClassifiedPink Hill Elementary SchoolApply
Mathematics Teacher (6-9)12/02/2024LicensedE.B. Frink Middle SchoolApply
Elementary Education Teacher (K-6)12/02/2024LicensedSoutheast Elementary SchoolApply
Custodian - 12 month (Start Date: 11/26/2024)11/25/2024ClassifiedSouth Lenoir High SchoolApply
Exceptional Children Program Compliance Specialist (K-12)11/25/2024LicensedExceptional Children's DepartmentApply
CTE- Business Education Teacher (9-12)11/25/2024LicensedNorth Lenoir High SchoolApply
Exceptional Children Teacher Assistant/Bus Driver (Start Date: 11/26/2024)11/25/2024ClassifiedLenoir County Learning AcademyApply
Mechanic II Service Mechanic- Transportation Department (Start Date: 11/22/24)11/21/2024ClassifiedTransportation DepartmentApply
Health and Physical Education Teacher (K-12)11/13/2024LicensedRochelle Middle SchoolApply
English Teacher (9-12)11/08/2024LicensedSouth Lenoir High SchoolApply
Speech-Language Pathologist11/08/2024LicensedExceptional Children's DepartmentApply
Child Nutrition Assistant- South Lenoir High - 25 hrs. (Start Date: 11/07/2024)11/06/2024ClassifiedChild Nutrition DepartmentApply
HVAC Technician III (Start Date: 11/06/2024)11/05/2024ClassifiedMaintenance DepartmentApply
Teacher Assistant/Bus Driver (Start Date: 11/01/2024)10/31/2024ClassifiedBanks Elementary SchoolApply
School Counselor10/29/2024LicensedPink Hill Elementary SchoolApply
Groundskeeper Technician II (Start Date: 01/02/2025)10/21/2024ClassifiedMaintenance DepartmentApply
Special Education: General Curriculum Exceptional Children's Teacher (K-12)10/14/2024LicensedNorthwest Elementary SchoolApply
Payroll Specialist- Finance Department (Start Date: 01/02/2025)10/11/2024ClassifiedLenoir County Public Schools- Central OfficeApply
Mathematics Teacher (6-9)08/29/2024LicensedE.B. Frink Middle SchoolApply
Elementary Education Teacher (K-6)08/27/2024LicensedNortheast Elementary SchoolApply
MTSS/504 Coordinator08/23/2024LicensedExceptional Children's DepartmentApply
Special Education: General Curriculum Exceptional Children's Teacher (Self-Contained) K-1208/20/2024LicensedBanks Elementary SchoolApply
Exceptional Children's Teacher (General Curriculum)08/20/2024LicensedSouth Lenoir High SchoolApply
Elementary Education Teacher (K-6)08/06/2024LicensedPink Hill Elementary SchoolApply
Technology Assistant/Teacher Assistant/Bus Driver (Start Date: 08/16/202408/05/2024ClassifiedLenoir County Learning AcademyApply
Elementary Education Teacher (K-6)07/30/2024LicensedLaGrange Elementary SchoolApply
Exceptional Children Teacher Assistant/Bus Driver (Start Date: 08/16/2024)07/29/2024ClassifiedSoutheast Elementary SchoolApply
Music Teacher (K-12)07/25/2024LicensedNortheast Elementary SchoolApply
Pre-K Teacher Assistant/Bus Driver (Banks) Start Date: 08/16/202407/24/2024ClassifiedNC Pre-K at Southeast Elementary SchoolApply
Mathematics Teacher (6-9)07/23/2024LicensedRochelle Middle SchoolApply
Science Teacher (9-12)06/26/2024LicensedKinston High SchoolApply
Exceptional Children Teacher Assistant/Bus Driver (Start Date: 08/16/2024)06/17/2024ClassifiedNortheast Elementary SchoolApply
Media Coordinator (School Librarian)06/17/2024LicensedRochelle Middle SchoolApply
TEACHER- STEAM Elementary Grades Classroom Teacher04/26/2024LicensedNortheast Elementary SchoolApply
Mathematics Teacher (9-12)04/22/2024LicensedKinston High SchoolApply